Scarce edition by Urie, Glasgow.
Recto: Text printed on laid paper in Koine Greek. Heading Kata Mapkon (Book of Mark), paginated 91. The text is not divided into verses, but has verse numbers in the margin. The larger type indicates the beginning of the Gospel of Luke the Evangalist.
Verso: As Recto, with text only.
Printer: Robert Urie, Glasgow.
Date: 1750.
Condition: Apart from light edge browning, the leaf is in excellent condition. It is unconditionally guaranteed genuine. Please note that shipping is invoiced separately.
Notes: The text is a mixed one, based principally on Kuster's first edition (1710) of Mill, and on Stephanus' third edition (1550). It exactly follows an Edinburgh edition of 1740, (D. & M. at no. 4750).
The Greek in the New Testament is the so-called Koine 'common language'. Koine, also known as Hellenistic Greek, common Attic, the Alexandrian dialect, Biblical Greek, Septuagint Greek or New Testament Greek evolved from the spread of Greek following the conquests of Alexander the Great in the fourth century BC, and served as the lingua franca of much of the Mediterranean region and the Middle East during the following centuries. Modern Greek remains very similar to Koine Greek.
Size: Size of leaf: approx. 150x85 mm.
Item No: PSA208