Saints Anne & Mary Magdalene Antiphons & Prayers. c.1500.

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Book of Hours vellum leaf, France, c.1500.

Recto:   16 lines of text in Latin written in a gothic rotunda hand on vellum.   Ruled in red and rubrics, unusually, in magenta.  One two-line illuminated initial 'D' in liquid gold on a blue ground.  One line filler in blue and gold and two pilcrows in liquid gold on red grounds. Capitals touched in yellow.

Verso:   As Recto, with one illuminated pilcrow.

Origin:  France.

Date:   c.1500.

Content:  The  leaf is from the Suffrages of the Saints section of a Book of Hours.  The rubrics on the eighth line indicate an antiphon to Saint Anne:

Celeste beneficium introivit in annam per quam nobis nata est maria virgo.  

(A heavenly privilege entered into Ann, through whom the Virgin Mary was born to us.)

Then follows the versicle Ora pro nobis beata anna (Pray for us blessed Anne).

The two-line initial 'D' begins the prayer:

Deus qui beatae Annae tantam gratiam donare dignatus es: ut beatissimam matrem tuam in suo gloriosissimo utero portare meruit: Da nobis per intercessionem matris et filiae tuae propitiationis abundantiam: ut quarum commemorationem pio amore amplectimur: earum precibus ad caelestem patriam pervenire valeamus. 

(O God, who vouchsafed to grant to blessed Anne such grace that she deserved to bear thy most blessed mother in her most glorious womb, grant to us through the intercession of thy mother and sister the abundance of thy graciousness, so that we may embrace their commemoration with holy love, and by their prayers be able to reach heaven, our native land.)

On Verso, the blue & gold pilcrow indicates the antiphon:

Maria ergo unxit pedes Iesu et extersit capillis suis: et domus impleta est ex odore unguenti. 

(Therefore Mary poured oil on the feet of Jesus and wiped them with her hair, and the house was filled with the scent of the oil.)

Condition:   Apart from the expected edge browning, the leaf is in excellent condition. The slight loss of colour to the large blue initial may be due to petitioners kissing the initial before saying the prayer - a not uncommon practice. The leaf is unconditionally guaranteed genuine.

Notes:  An antiphon (Greek ἀντίφωνον, ἀντί "opposite" and φωνή "voice") in Christian music and ritual is a a short sentence sung by a choir or congregation before or after a psalm or canticle.  It is usually in the form of a Gregorian chant.  The words of the antiphons are related to the theme of the feast day or celebration and most frequently have something in common with the liturgical readings of the Mass.

Books of Hours generally contain a section of prayers to individual saints known as the Suffrages of the Saints. A typical suffrage consists of a summary of the life and special significance of the saint, a request for the saint’s prayers and a petition to God. As protectors of medieval people, saints were their doctor in plague, their midwife at childbirth, their guardian when traveling. When seeking help with a problem, people called on the saint whose experiences were thought to give them particular influence in that area. For example, a suffrage to St. George appeals to his skills in overcoming evil, (by vanquishing the dragon).  Saint Apollonia, who had been tortured for her faith by having her teeth pulled out, was credited with special powers against toothache.

Size:  Leaf: approx. 200x140 mm.

Item No:  MBH206  

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